Experience the magic of the Ship Chandlers Warehouse, the best kept secret of Amsterdam.
Private dining for up to 30 guests.
The price per couvert is €195,- (incl. wines) with a minimum price of €3.250,- plus €250,- for the private use of the Ship Chandelers Warehouse. When a group dines at the restaurant the house wine price is always included to the main invoice, if the group wants to have a different wine than that price of that wine will be added to the main invoice. In case you want to bring your own wine, we don’t charge corkage fee. The menu price will just stay unchanged.
(We are open till midnight)

Walking Dinner Menu
The price will be 100 euro per guest, this includes 3 canapes. Wines and beers are included.
Blini with caviar
Poached qual egg with caviar
Muslin with cauliflower and caviar
Filet de sole, beurre blanc and caviar
Croutons with Jabugo ham and pine nuts
Shrimp cocktail served on a spoon
Scrambled egg with smoked eal and shives
Mullet soup with rouille
Experience the magic of the Ship Chandlers Warehouse, the best kept secret of Amsterdam.
Private dining for up to 30 guests.
The price per couvert is €175,- (incl. wines) with a minimum price of €2.975,- plus €250,- for the private use of the Ship Chandelers Warehouse. When a group dines at the restaurant the housewine price is always included to the main invoice, if the group wants to have a diffent wine than that price of that wine will be added to the main invoice.
(Open till midnight)
Menu 1
€175 ,- p.p
Cappuccino mushroom soup with cream, bacon and slices of truffle
Cod with wild spinach and beurre blanc sauce
Chocolate tart, vanilla cream and roasted almonds
Coffee, tea and friandises
(Diet meals upon demand)
Menu 2
€195 ,- p.p
Salmon confit with crème fraiche and dutch shrimps
Tournedos with pommes mousselines and vegetables, with a jus of morilles.
French cheeses
Crème Brulée
Coffee, tea and friandises
(Diet meals upon demand)
Menu 3
€245 ,- p.p
Pan fried kataifi-wrapped scallops with a saffron and orange sauce, glasswort
Bone marrow bouillon soup with slices of truffle
Venison steak with red cabbage and pommes gratin, jus with girolles
French cheese
Raspberry champagne tart
Coffee, tea and friandises
(Diet meals upon demand)